What a perfect day for a family reunion at Burns Park. When Mammaw B arrived she made her way to a chair in the shade and what fun it was watching each person who arrived make their way over to her. It was so great seeing her respond with smiles and hugs for each one. No matter how large we may grow in number, each one of us has a special place in her heart. What a wonderful feeling!!
At one time Mammaw B motioned me over and told me that for the first time in a really long time all nine of her grandsons would be there
If we can trust our memories, those who counted afterward tell us that there were 75 of us there on Saturday coming from all around Arkansas, Tennessee, Nebraska and Oklahoma.
As family members began to gather, as always, there were a number of "circles" of conversation with people floating out of one group into another to try to catch up with everyone. I noticed that one of these circles was mostly made up of younger ones.......and Kevin. They would be quiet for a moment and then all burst into laughter... then quiet again and laughter again. As I studied this group, I realized they ALL had their cell phones in hand. I finally asked what was going on and one of the more "technical" minded family members told me they were "Blue Toothing". Well, you can only imagine how lost I was with that explanation. Come to find out, they were exchanging ring-tones for their cell phones! I suppose I'll never be able to keep up with the times. This group was quite amused for a good while, but the smiles and laughter told us that they were really enjoying themselves!!
On the table we had everything from dressing, chicken & dumplings, chili-mac and corn, briskett, fried chicken, banana pudding, lemon pie, egg custard pie, even peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, and lots more. A little something for everyone! It's a good thing Ike and I had run back home for some extra tables because we filled them all and still had some moving into the children's places as they headed off for the swings and slides.
If you think the food was plentiful, I have to say that I think the number of cameras equaled the number of dishes on the table. Everywhere, cameras!! People taking pictures of people taking pictures of people posing for pictures. Yes, Freddy, I do mean you. So, as I am sharing a number of our photos here I would like to ask you to email, or even send us a disc of the photos you took so we can plaster a few more on the blog for all to see. Those who live far away and missed the reunion would really love to share in the good times.
OK, before I go any further I have to find out, who made the seasoned crackers? I rather love the idea that some think I know everything about our family, but this one I just don't have the answer for. If you can help with this one, please click below on comments, or email us and let us know.
I did discover a few things from various conversations that I think family members should know:
-Freddy and Linda had just returned from a Carribean Cruise.
-Blakely, Gayla's granddaughter, age 11, has recently been the speaker at the Sunday night service at her church, and had just spoken at a ladies breakfast meeting that morning!
-Kristen, Pat's daughter, and more importantly, Madison's mother, is staying with Pat and Jerry at this time while her husband, Tony, is in Iraq. Please pray for his safe return in December. At that time he will get his orders for their next assignment.
-Uncle Fred turned 80 on September 16th.
-Christy, Bill's daughter, and her family have just moved back to Arkansas from Arizona.
-Rob and Michelle are grandparents again, their second. Also, they are planning a trip to Cancun after the first of the year.
-As most of you probably know, Philip, David Bruce's son, is getting married in October. The wedding will be in Georgia where the happy couple are making their home.
-Emily, Gayla's youngest daughter, has just moved back to New Mexico from Washington state.
-Bruce and Linda are coming home for a visit the end of October. There will be more news to come on this because we are trying to put together a big get-together while they are here.
-This year Uncle Fred got enough money to pay for the pavilion on the first try!! No second speeches having to beg for more.
-And in case you didn't know, Ike and I have a new grandson, now 16 months old and finally at home in St. Louis.
Please click on "comments" and leave your notes for all to read.
This was full of good info! Thanks Sandra!!
The picture of all the Grandsons was wonderful. I think I speak for everone who clicked on it, that was the best picture of Rob I have ever seen.
Such fun reading!! Makes me feel like I'm right next door.
pat said...Again, thanks for all you do to keep this updated for all of us. The reunion really was alot of fun, and the amount of people reminded me of when we (all of us grandkids/cousins) were little and there were always so many people there. I know that Mamaw thoroughly enjoyed it, and I look forward to it again next year.
By the way, can we try to get together in Little Rock (potluck or something) on Sunday, October 28th, as that is the day that Linda and Bruce will be driving over from Memphis to spend the night before flying out of Little Rock on Monday, October 29th.
Pat - We have been thinking about doing something together when Linda and Bruce are here on that Sunday. We will discuss it more and get a plan together...then post it on the blog for everyone!!!
Ok - Seriously. How lucky are we to have the hippest, most beautiful great grandmother?? She's just fantastic. I even have a picture of her on my myspace page. Not many 90-somethings are on myspace...
Even I can learn to use the WEB! Sandra, I found the site and loved it. We are so blessed to have the family we do-very few in the world have the closeness we do even when we don't see each other for months on end.
Sandra, I think it was just a year ago that you did not even have a cellphone. And look, now you BLOG
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