Monday, November 5, 2007

You never know who you might run into

The other night Ike and I had to make a trip to Conway to visit someone in the hospital. Though is was a bit late when we got back to NLR, we had not had dinner yet and after some discussion (if you know what I mean), we decided to go to Applebees. We had just finished dinner and were sipping on our tea/Dr. Pepper when Ike saw Meaghan and Erick being seated across the restaurant. We picked up our drinks and sashayed (who knows if I spelled that one right?) across the room and caught them by surprise. We took a seat at their table and visited for a bit.

Their waiter was most patient as we kept delayed their ordering. It was so good to see them. I love to hear Erick tell a story and he didn't disappoint me!! He told us about one of his friend's wedding that he was to be in last week-end. We laughed and laughed as he told the details. We enjoyed the few minutes we shared with you Meaghan & Erick. You never know who you may run into....

That reminds me of the time we ran into David Bruce's family in Mexico, but that's another story altogether!

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